Present App
Attendance app makes marking attendance extremely easy for teachers by just scanning a QR provided by the app's portal.. No more shouting name across the class to mark attendance.

The attendance app revolutionizes the way teachers manage attendance by allowing them to mark it effortlessly through QR code scanning. Each student receives a unique QR code, which they simply present to be scanned, ensuring quick and accurate record-keeping. This modern approach eliminates the need for teachers to call out names and manually record attendance, saving valuable classroom time. The app's portal generates these QR codes and keeps a comprehensive log of attendance data, which can be easily accessed and analyzed. With this system, teachers can focus more on teaching rather than administrative tasks. Furthermore, the app enhances student accountability and punctuality, as their attendance is tracked in real-time. Overall, the QR code-based attendance app streamlines the process, making it efficient, reliable, and user-friendly for both teachers and students.

Project Specs
Technologies used :
Flutter, React, Laravel
Platforms :
Android, iOS, Web
Project Tags :
Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile, React, Web, PHP, Laravel
Project Images